Point 1. Check & verify on QA & Prod entries should be available in PublisherDBModule (Authdb) for created all DB's Users.
Point 2. Check & verify on QA & Prod created users must be successfully login using dbuser & Dbpassword from PublisherDBModule.
Goto->Database->Click on Connect->Enter Server Name, User & password as per PublisherDBModule and click on Options enter Database & then Connect.
Point 3. If login failed then check entries in PublisherDB & PublisherDBModule if found mismatch then follow below steps (3.i & 3.ii) on QA & Prod.
3 (i). In Authdb2:Re-Set Password in PublisherDBModule table.
3 (ii). In Database: Recreate user, using below steps.
Point 4. Roles must be moved to another database for tables/functions only not for users.
Point 5. All Roles membership file should be present in Users file in data project not in Role file.
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