


There are two options to create browser:

  1. New -> New Browser
  2. AppSystem -> Browser ->Right Click ->Copy Browser

After choosing any one option, the browser form will appear.

Browser Options Tab

Browser Key ->User can set browser key in this block ,Entered Key should be unique for publisher and product.

E.g. gst.Invoice

Browser Name ->User can set Browser Name in this block.

E.g. Invoice

Applications ->User can set application name after select product in this block.

E.g. Kasp

Startup Node ->User can set startup node for browser.

E.g. ID1

Expand Level ->User can set expand level in this block.

E.g. 0

Product ->User can select product in this block.

E.g. ASP

Adminbehave -> Need to set value of Adminbehave for accessibility as per below:

S=Require Super Admin

T=Require Tenant Admin



Object Permission Role -> No need to make any changes for those objects which are called directly in MainMenuXML and If objects are not called directly in MainMenuXML then find all possible navigation for called these objects & set the parent object's keys with , if found more than one. We can enter cross object type parent by specifying viewdef.key or frp.key or bro.key

e.g: viewkey.ListInvoice or frp.frmInvoice or bro.Invoice

Browser Definition Tab

we can define definition for a browser like this.

:Root tag is body syntax.

How to define BrowserID:

< ID>BROWSEID< /ID>: This tag used to define browser id.


How to set display grid:

< DISPGRID> < /DISPGRID>: This tag used to set display grid.


< DISPGRID> < VIEW KEY="viewCustomer" /> < /DISPGRID>

How to define a tree:

< TREE>< /TREE>Tree tag is body syntax.

How set Sql for data source:

< _DT>: Using this we can set sql for data source.


< _DT KEY="o" SQL="select CustomerID,isnull(Title,'')+' '+isnull(FirstName,'')+' '+isnull(MiddleName,'')+' '+isnull(LastName,'') as Customer from Sales.Customer INNER JOIN Person.Person ON Customer.PersonID = Person.BusinessEntityID where CustomerID = \(BROWSEID\) order by Title,FirstName" />

How to define local variable to store values:

< _SET>: This tag used to define variable for store data locally.


< _SET VAR="CUST" VALUE="#MEMBER(\(o\),CustomerID)#"/>

How to add a Node:

< NODE>: Using this tag we can define Node as per requirement.


< NODE PARENT="ID1" KEY="Custso" CAPTION="Sale Orders">

NODE PARENT: Using this we can set parent id for to be added node.

KEY: Using this we can set key for to be added node.

CAPTION: Using this tag we can set caption for added node.

How to set view for added node:

< VIEW KEY >: using this tag we can set view for added node.

< VIEW KEY="ListAdvdemCustomer">


< FILTER KEY="customer">

< VALUE VALUE1="\(CUST\)" />


< /VIEW>

Output ->

DataXML Tab

SysEntXML -> _>


GridCondition ->

Children Tab


Click on AppSystem -> Browsers


Click on AppSystem -> Browsers->Edit Browser