Transform Before -> Transform before worked before view output generated.
< MAINGRID > is starting tag and < /MainGrid> is ending tag.
SCROSS -> Type of transformation.
TARGET -> we can set index of defined complex views in view in this tag if complex view is not define then we can set 0 for this tag.
IDFIELD->Assigned key field. Like Returnperiod
PIVOT->Assigned field to transform as header. Like SectionName
AGGCOL->Assigned field to transform below header respective SectionName. Like Amount
View Output before Transformation
TransformAfter-> TransformAfter worked after view output generate.
View Output before Transformation
ADDCOL ->Column name which is to be added.
KEY->Assigned Caption name for added Field like perInc
FORMULA->Set value for Added column.
View Output after Transformation
2.1. SCROSS: For defining Scross we can used below xml tags.
< MAINGRID> < /MAINGRID> -> < MainGrid> is starting tag and < /MainGrid> is ending tag.
< SCROSS> < /SCROSS> -> < SCROSS> is starting tag and < /SCROSS> is ending tag.
TARGET -> We can set index of defined complex views in view in this tag if complex view is not define then we can set 0 for this tag.
PIVOT -> Assigned field to transform as header. Like Descrip
IDFIELD -> We can set unique key field for idfield. Like EmployeeID
AGGCOL -> We can set field to transform below header respective assigned column in pivot like Descrip. i.e Dated
< MAINGRID > < /MAINGRID > -> < MainGrid > is starting tag and < /MainGrid > is ending tag.
IDFIELD -> We can set unique key field for idfield. Like EmployeeID
COPYDT -> we can set 0 in this tag
PIVOT -> Assigned field to transform as header. Like MaterialDept
AGGCOL -> We can set field to transform below header respective assigned column in pivot like MaterialDept. i.e IncentiveAmount
VIEW INDEX -> we can set 0, 1, 2 in this tag
PREFIX -> we can set text for display as prefix.
COLOR -> we can set colour for row using this tag.
< MAINGRID > < /MAINGRID > -> < MainGrid > is starting tag and < /MainGrid > is ending tag.
< ATTRIBUTIZE > < /ATTRIBUTIZE > -> < ATTRIBUTIZE > is starting tag and < / ATTRIBUTIZE > is ending tag.
TARGET -> we can set index of defined complex views in view in this tag if complex view is not define then we can set 0 for this tag.
PIVOT -> Set starting fixed latter’s of columns to transform as header and respective values are showing below of respective columns. Like Attrib1Name, Attrib1Value, Attrib2Name, Attrib2Value, Attrib3Name, Attrib3Value.
View Output before Transformation
View Output after Transformation
< MAINGRID > < /MAINGRID > -> < MainGrid > is starting tag and < /MainGrid > is ending tag.
< SUMMARIZE> < /SUMMARIZE > -> < SUMMARIZE > is starting tag and </ SUMMARIZE > is ending tag.
TARGET -> we can set index of defined complex views in view in this tag if complex view is not define then we can set 0 for this tag.
SUMCOLS -> we can set columns for sum.
GROUPBYCOLS -> we can set columns for group.
< TOTGRID > < /TOTGRID > -> < TOTGRID > is starting tag and </ TOTGRID > is ending tag.
< SUMUPALL > < /SUMUPALL > -> < SUMUPALL > is starting tag and </ SUMUPALL > is ending tag.
VIEWINDEX -> we can set view index under this tag like 0, 1, 2 etc..
AFTERCOL -> In this tag we can set column name where we have require sum of columns.
FORMAT -> Using this tag we can set format as per require for summary totals.
User can set print layout as per view output known as is define in XML and follow below syntax.
< CONDITION> -> Starting Tag
FILTER KEY -> we can apply filter for output of MMR reports.
VALUE VALUE1 -> Assigned values for applied filter key.
</FILTER KEY> -> Ending tag of filter key.
< OVERRIDE> -> Starting Tag </ OVERRIDE>-> Ending tag
< MMRXML> -> Starting Tag < /MMRXML> -> Ending tag
< STRVIEW> < /STRVIEW> -> we can set display name for view between these tags.
< MMR> ->Starting Tag and < MMR> ->Ending Tag
HEADER PREFIX -> Set Header of MMR output.
EVAL -> Set Evaluate value like date
FORMAT -> Set for mat of evaluate value.
GROUP FIELD -> Set Field name on which output should be group by.
SUMM FIELD -> we can set column for sum values.
TYPE ->Set type of group by
</ CONDITION > ->Ending Tag.
Output ->
User can format of columns of visible column like Caption, Date format etc.
COL KEY -> we can set database column name in this tag.
CAPTION -> we can set caption of assigned column in Col Key for display.
FORMAT -> we can format of date type columns or other type columns as per requirement.
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