
Database Entity


Click on Master->New Database Entity

Sortindex->User can set an integer value for sortindex.

Applications->User can set application code here, if not set any value then it’s systableid accessible for all apps of selected Product.

ID Field->User can set key field here it’s unique with Publisher & Product.

E.g. InvoiceID

Table Name->User can set Table name of Key Field.

E.g. Invoice

Description->User can Display Name of Key Field.

E.g. Invoice

New Entity: User create new entity here by Clicking on Add New button under Conditional tab.

Entity Tab

Entity->Set Entity name in this Field.

E.g. C

Description Entity->User can set description of entity here.


SysTable->User can select systableid from combo.

E.g- Mainpartyid

Select View Key->User can set View for default output for created output.


Select View Filter->User can set Filter key for showing view output with filter key.

Grid Condition Tab

User can set conditions which should be available on view’s Grid. Conditions should de define in XML format and syntax should be correct.

E.g. < COL KEY="PartyType" > < VALUE VALUE1="C"/> < /COL > PartyType-column name and C it’s value

Data Tab

DataXML->User can set check condition in this section.

E.g. <CHECK/>

Select View Key->User can set View key for default View Output.

Children Tab

User can add accessibility of Database Entity for other Product.

Product->User can set Products for accessibility of Database Entity.

AppList->User can set applist here.


Click on Master->List of Database Entities


Click on Master->List of Database Entities->Right Click->Edit Database Entity