Grid Tab
Layout-> User can define view layout in this section.

Inverted View->User can marked if require visibility of columns horizontally.
Ban Sort->User can marked in require sorting on view.
Reverse Direction-> User can marked if require visibility of columns from Ending.
Column Headers->User marked if require fixed header.
Fix Columns-User can set fixed no of columns in this block.
strWidth->User can width for visible fields in this block.
Heading Factor->User can set width for header in this block.
strBand->User can set Display name for view.
Row Height Factor->user can set row height in this block.
GroupOn->User can set Group column Name in this block.
Default Wid Fact.->User can set default value of column’s width.
Allow Group By->User can marked if allow group by on header columns.
Sort On Columns->User can set columns require sorting on columns.
User can link multiple views through a key field in this section.

DISPGRID-> We can set display grid between starting & ending tags.
<VIEW KEY="ViewStore"/>
MAINGRID -> We can define main grid using < MAINGRID >starting & < MAINGRID > ending tags.
<VIEW KEY="ListAdvdemStore">
VIEW KEY -> User can set view for display grid.
e.g: <VIEW KEY="ListAdvdemStore">
MODROW -> We can applied user define conditions like where condition, hidecolums etc.
e.g: <MODROW>
<SQLWHERE2>BusinessEntityID= %idx% </SQLWHERE2>
SQLWHERE2-> We can applied where condition between & .
e.g :< MODROW>
<SQLWHERE2>BusinessEntityID= %idx% </SQLWHERE2>
HIDECOLS-> We can hide columns using & .
e.g :< MODROW>
MAKEREL INSERTAT ->set default value 0.
BANDS ->User can combine all child’s view in this section.
FIELD ->Set idfield
CHILD ->Set child using give value 1, 2 etc.

## Summary
User can define summary totals for views in this block

< SUMARY COL KEY > Using this tag we can set db column name which total is required.
KEY: Set total key word Totbal.
FORMAT: we can set format for required total values.We can also use different format specifier as per below.

TYPE: In this tag we can set SUM.
Output ->

TotalsXML-> Using this tag we can set summary totals of require columns.

TOTAL is starting tag and is ending tag.
TITLE -> we can set title for display.
FIELD is starting tag and is ending tag.
KEY -> We set column for which total required like this.
SUM-> We can use sum key word for calculate sum value of set column.
E.g: SUM=”SUM”
Output ->