These components are internal FormulaCAD components. They differ from other internal FormulaCAD components in that their output is a block rather than an AutoCAD entity.
Also, the component which is being “arrayed” will be consumed by this component. Array components have a naming scheme which allows you to uniquely refer to each one of the copy and the name of the original component is also changed to get consistency.
Component Code – ArrayRect
Naming Scheme is _RxCy where x is the row number and y is the column number. For example, if above parameters are used, Components will have C1_R1C1, C2_R1C2 ….. C1_R2C1, C1_R2C2 and so on.
Component Code – ArrayPolar
Naming Scheme is _Pn where n is the array index. For example, if above parameters are used, Components will have R1_P1, R1_P2 and so on.
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