

These components are internal FormulaCAD components. They differ from other internal FormulaCAD components in that their output is a block rather than an AutoCAD entity.

Also, the component which is being “arrayed” will be consumed by this component. Array components have a naming scheme which allows you to uniquely refer to each one of the copy and the name of the original component is also changed to get consistency.

Rectangular Array

Component Code – ArrayRect

Naming Scheme is _RxCy where x is the row number and y is the column number. For example, if above parameters are used, Components will have C1_R1C1, C2_R1C2 ….. C1_R2C1, C1_R2C2 and so on.

Polar Array

Component Code – ArrayPolar

Naming Scheme is _Pn where n is the array index. For example, if above parameters are used, Components will have R1_P1, R1_P2 and so on.