When we select the thickness and material type in the top portion, the view gives all pending requirements that have matching parts. We select the requirements that we need to nest and go to nest items.
Here all parts are listed. When we click on a part, its preview is shown in the built-in DXF viewer.
If we need to refresh the parts list, we can press “Update Items”. We can change quantity of individual parts if required.
Then we can go to the Nest Output Screen.
In this screen, when we press the “Start Nesting” button, PowerBOM connects with the Nesting Provider, passes on all part information, and obtains the nested sheet back.
We can save the whole nest package as a zip file ready to be sent to CNC machines. When we press the “save” button, the zip file created has a sheet wise dxf file, a BOM in PDF format and a NC file.