You can create new bank and its branches by the following steps:
STEP-1: Click on Home -> New -> Financial Institution -> Bank. Bank window will appear.
Step-2: Fill the details.
Step-3: If you want to add other branches or other parties of main bank, click on Add New button. Selectable party form will appear.
Step-4: Fill the details in Address tab and other tab also. If you want to copy address from main party, click on Copy Address from Main Party button. Click on OK.
The row will add in Selectable Parties section in main bank. You can any number of branches by clicking on Add New button.
Step-5: Click on Save button.
Note: 1. Party Code for selectable parties will generate automatically after save the form.
2. One main party should have at least one selectable party. If there is no selectable party available, click on Create Default button to generate blank row. This row will refer to main party.
Step-1: Click on General -> FI Selectable Parties. Selectable Parties list will appear.
Step-2: If you want to see the list of Main Parties, click on General -> FI Main Parties. Main Parties list will appear.
Step-1: Select FI Main Party (Bank) from FI Main Parties list. Right click on it. Select Edit Financial Institution option.FI Main Party form will appear.
Step-2: Edit the details and click on Save.
Step-3: If you want to edit bank branches (FI Selectable Parties), select the Selectable Party from FI Selectable Parties list and right click on it. Select Edit Financial Institution. The form will appear. Edit the details and click on Save.
Note: 1. You can edit selectable party from Main party form. Select the party from parties list and click on Edit button.
2. You can edit FI Main and selectable party by right click on Bank Account and select Edit Financial Institution.