Expense Voucher Payment

Case 1-> Final Payment after Expense Voucher Report

Step 1 –> Advance Requisition –> 10,000

Step 2 –> Payment Travel (Against Advance Requisition) –> 10,000

Note – Payment Date should be greater than Advance Requisition.

Step 3 –> Expense Voucher Report –> 15,000

Step 4 –> Payment Travel (Against Expense Report) –> 5000 + 10,000 (Advance Adjust)

Note – 1. Payment Date should be greater than Expense Report.

       2.  Advance date should be less then Payment date.

Case 2-> Final Payment before Expense Voucher Report

Step 1 –> Advance Requisition –> 10,000

Step 2 –> Payment Travel (Against Advance Requisition) –> 10,000

Note – Payment Date should be greater than Advance Requisition.

Step 3 –> Advance Requisition –> 5,000

Step 4 –> Payment Travel (Against Advance Requisition) –> 5,000

Note – Payment Date should be greater than Advance Requisition.

Step 5 –> Tour Expense Report –> 15,000 –> Advance Adjust (10000 + 5000)

Note – Advance (All Advances) date should be less then expense report.

Note: Before ‘01- June – 2018’ some data is not in a proper format.

In this data advance date is greater than expense report date.

but we are not going to change this data.