To view details about GSTR2, click on GST->GSTR2 Menu -> …….


To view B2B invoices and Credit/Debit notes, click on GSTR2 -> B2B -> ……….

Inward Supplies Received from Registered Suppliers without Reverse Charge

Inward Supplies Received from Registered Suppliers with Reverse charge

Credit/Debit Notes Registered without Reverse Charge

Credit/Debit Notes Registered with Reverse Charge


To view B2BUR invoices, and Credit/Debit notes, click on GSTR2 -> B2BUR -> ……….

Inward Supplies received from Unregistered Supplier With Out Reverse Charge

Inward Supplies received from Unregistered Supplier With Reverse Charge

Credit/Debit Notes Unregistered without Reverse charge

Credit/Debit Notes Unregistered with Reverse charge


To view IMPS invoices, and Credit/Debit notes, click on GSTR2 -> IMPS -> ……….

Import of Service without Reverse Charge

Import of Service with Reverse Charge

Credit/Debit Notes Unregistered without Reverse Charge

Credit/Debit Notes Unregistered with Reverse Charge


To view IMPG invoices, and Credit/Debit notes, click on GSTR2 -> IMPG-> ……….

Import of Goods without Reverse Charge

Import of Goods with Reverse Charge

Nil Rated

To view nil rated invoices, click on GSTR2 -> Nil Rated -> ……….

Composition, Nil Rated, Exempted and Non-gst Inward Supplies

Advance Tax

To view advance tax and adjustment invoices and Credit/Debit notes, click on GSTR2 -> Advance Tax -> ……….

Tax Liability on Advance Paid Under Reverse Charge

Adjustment of Advance Tax Paid Earlier for Reverse Charge Supplies

ITC Reversal

To view ITC Reversal details, click on GSTR2 -> ITC Reversal -> ……….


To view summary, click on GSTR2 -> Summary-> ……….

Return Summary

Advance Tax Paid Summary

Advance Tax Adjusted Summary

Vendor Summary

HSN Summary Details


To file return for GSTR2, follow the given steps:

Step-1: Connect with GSTN

STEP-1: Select the purchase invoice and right click on it. Select Open GSTN GSTR2 Sync. The sync page will display.

STEP-2: Click on Connect button. You will receive OTP on your registered mobile number.

STEP-3: Enter the OTP. Click on Submit. Success: Token Obtained message will show.

Note: If your token is existing, when click on connect, it shows Existing token message.

Step-2: Generate Payload

To check the request payload of new and modified invoices, click on Generate Payload button in New/Modify section.

To check the request payload of deleted invoices, click on Generate Payload button in Delete section.

Generate Payload will be downloaded in the form of json file.

You can open json file with Notepad.

Notice: You can check the summary for particular GSTIN and Post period in Summary section.

Step-3: Download Counter Party

To download counter party invoices(GSTR2A), click on Download button in Counter Party section.

When you download counter party invoices, success message will show.

You can view the counter party invoices by following the given steps:

Step-1: Click on Purchase menu and select Counter Party Invoices. The list of counter party invoices will appear.

Step-2: Select the invoice that you want to view and right click on it. Select View CP Invoice. The invoice detail will appear.

Step-4: Accept/Reject

Match codes and action flags are determined based on matching of taxpayer and counterparty invoices.

Match Code Action Flag
OK Accept(A)
TO Upload (U)
CO Reject (R) (If invoice available at counter party side)
Mismatch Reject (R)

You can mark accept or reject invoices as pending (P) invoice by following the given steps;

  1. Select the accept or reject invoice that you mark as pending. Right click on it.

  2. Select

  1. For Purchase Invoice – Edit Purchase Sale

  2. For Counter Party Invoice – View CP Invoice

  1. Click on Mark Pending button. Action flag(A/R) will change to Pending(P).

  2. If you want to unmark pending invoice, follow the step-1 or 2 again and click on Unmark Pending button.

Note: Until unless counter party invoices are filed, you cannot accept or reject the invoices.

Step-5: Save To GSTN

To save new/modified invoices to GSTN, click on Save to GSTN button in New/Modify section.

To save deleted invoices to GSTN, click on Save to GSTN button in Delete section.

After saving invoices, Success message will appear.

Step-6: Download Summary

You can check the summary of invoices that you have saved to gstn for particular post period. To download the summary of saved invoices, click on Download button in Summary section.

Your downloaded summary will be display on sync page.

Make sure that summary and downloaded summary shown on sync page should be same.

Step-7: Submit

Click on Submit button.

Step-8: File

Click on File button.