MasterHR Details

Step-1: Click on Master -> HR Configuration. MasterHR form will open.

Step-2: Click on Add in Salary Structure tab to add salary components. Salary Structure form will appear. Click on Add to add component. Feed the details and click on Save.

Step-3: Click on Salary Benefits tab and click on Add to add salary benefits. Salary Benefits form will appear. Feed the details and click on Save.

Step-4: Click on Attendance Type tab and click on Add to add leave description. Leave Description form will appear. Feed the details and click on Save.

Step-5: Click on Shift tab and click on Add to add shift. Shift form will appear. Feed the details and click on Save.

Field Name Purpose
Shift It defines the name of shift.
Start Time It defines the official starting time of shift.
End Time It defines the official ending time of shift.
Lunch Out It defines the starting time of lunch.
Lunch In It defines the ending time of lunch.
Works Hours It defines the working hours of shift.
Break Hours It defines the break hours of shift.
Monitor Absent It defines that the employees of this shift should be considered as latecomers and absentees or not. This field is used for planning purpose.
For Machine It defines that this shift is applicable for machine or not. This also used for planning purpose.
For Persons It defines that this shift is applicable for persons or not. This also used for planning purpose.
ETime Actual It defines the actual ending time of shift.

Step-6: After adding all the details, click on Ok on MasterHR form.

Note: You can edit any detail by clicking on it and click on Edit. The form will appear. Edit the details and Save the form.