Step-1: Select the Campus from campus list and right click on it. Select Add Material Department option. Material Dept form will appear.
Step-2: Fill the details.
You HR Department is not available; you can leave this field initially. You can fill this field later when you have HR Departments.
Incentive Group should be in the format of Domainname\Groupname.
The purpose of check boxes is given below:
If this department is marked as a shop.
Has Non-Conformities
If this department has non-conformities.
Accepts Work Order
If this department accepts work order.
Accepts Mfg Order
If this department accepts manufacturing order.
Accepts Documents
If this department accepts documents.
If this department is marked as a store.
Gives Requisition
If this department gives requisition.
If this department has incentive.
Has Test Lab
If this department has test lab. Please enter lab name and test group.
If this department is marked as closed shop. This option is use only in edit mode.
You can assign users, groups and applist to particular material department.
Step-3: Click on Save.
Note: You can add Material departments from Material Depts tab also. To add material department, click on Add New button in Material Depts tab. Material Department form will appear. Fill the details and click on Save.
Note: You can add material department by right click on material department and select add material department.
Step-1: Click on Master and select Material Departments. Material Departments list will appear.
Step-1: Select material department from material department list and right click on it. Select Edit Material Department option. Material Dept form will appear.