My Form12BB

Step-1: Click on My Form12BB section. By default , two options will appear -> List of Form12BB and New Form12BB.

You can see one another option also List of All if you have permission to see form12bb of all the employees.

Step-2: To fill new form , click on New Form12BB .Fill the form ->

  1. Amount in Amount column ,
  2. Evidence of your document in evidence/particulars column ,
  3. To upload document , click on upload icon , Choose the document ( image or pdf form ) and click on Upload button.When your document is uploaded , uploaded successfully message will appear.

Click on Save button. Success message will appear.

Step-3: You can see the list of form12bb that you have filled by clicking on List of Form12BB option.

You can edit filled form12bb by double click on it -> Edit Form12BB.