New Employee

If you want to add a causal employee(person) or a trainee as an employee, you can use this option.

Right-click on trainee or casual employee(person) and select New Employee.

If this person is already an employee, it will show this message.

Employee Details

STEP-3: Edit the details of employee in Work tab and enter the remaining details in Work tab. You can edit existing details also.

Open Personal Details- You can edit personal details of employee by this button.

Step-1: Click on Open Personal Details button. New window with Employee name will appear.

Step-2: Edit personal details of employee.

Step-3: Click on Save button.

You can also edit employee details and add this person as a new employee from here by using Edit Employee Details and Add As New Employee buttons respectively.

Change Reporting- You can change reporting of employee by this button.

Step-1: Click on Change Reporting button. List of employees who are currently reporting to employee(XYZ) will appear.

Step-2: Select the employees whose reporting have to be change and click on OK.

Step-3: Again employee list appears to select the report to employee for selected employees. Previous selected employees report to selected person (abc1). Click on Ok.

STEP-4: Click on Details tab and enter the details. User, LeaveAuthority1, LeaveAuthority2 and Punch fields are related to mobile app Kanohar MyHr or Risersoft ESS.

Calculate Leave Balance – Leave balance is calculated automatically if attendance of last year is available at software for employee. Otherwise you can calculate leave balance manually. Enter the current working day (days of this year which is not included in software) and last working days (previous year’s days form joining date). Calculate Leave balance button calculates leave balance only for those employees whose completed on year recently. This button is used for calculating earned leave basically.

STEP-5: Click on Salary tab. Click on Add New button. Employee Salary form will appear. Select Salary Structure and Date and click on Generate. Component rows will appear. Fill all details and click on Calculate and Save. You can edit employee salary also by Edit button after saving.

Note: This tab only appears in Payroll.

STEP-6: Click on Benefit tab. Click on Add New button. Select Salary Benefits list will appear. Select the benefits and click on OK. Row will add in benefit tab. Enter benefit number and EEDate(benefit starting date for employee) for each benefit.

Note: This tab only appears in Payroll.


STEP-1: Click on Employees -> List All.

List of all employees will display.


STEP-1: Select the employee from employee list and right click on it.

STEP-2: Select Edit Employee Details in the menu. Employee Details window will appear.


Step-1: Click on Employees -> Employees -> List All then right click on Employee and click on Browse Employee.

Step-2: We can browse different Nodes of the Employee browser like - Current Attendance, Past Attendance ,Punches, Leave Ledger and Device etc