

STEP-1: Click on Home -> New -> Person option. Person window will appear.

Step-2: Enter basic details of employee.

Step-3: Click on Address tab and enter details of employee. You can copy the present address in permanent address using Copy Address button.

Click on Lookup button to get the geo points of employee permanent address. You can enter geo points manually in geo point field. This field will be used by address map. If this field is blank, you cannot see this employee location on google map in address map option in HRMS menu.

Step-4: Click on Info tab and enter details of employee.

Step-5: Click on Education Tab. Click on Add New button. New row will appear and enter the details of employee. If you want to delete any education record, select that row and click on Delete button.

Step-6: Click on Family Tab. Click on Add New button. New row will appear and enter family details of employee. You can also delete the record through Delete button.

Step-7: Click on Experience Tab. Click on Add New. New row will appear and enter experience details of employee. You can also delete the record through Delete button.

Step-8: Click on Picture tab. Click on Browse button and select the picture and click on Open button.

Step-9: Click on Save button. Personal details of employees will save.


Click on Employees -> List All. Employees list will appear.


Step-1: Select the Employee from the list. Right click on it and select Edit Person option.

Step-2: Edit the details and click on Save button.