Item Schedule


Note : You can create Item Schedule from Engineering App.

Step-1: Click on Home -> New -> Material -> Item Schedule. Item Schedule form will appear.

Step-2: Fill Code and Name of Item Schedule. Click on Add Class button. Attribute Classes list will appear. Select the attribute class and click on OK.

You can create new attribute class by clicking on New Class button.

Step-3: Click on Save button.

Attribute can define and edit from Configuration app also.


Click on Works -> Item Schedules. Item schedules list will appear.


Note : You can create Item Schedule from MatRouter App.

Step-1: Select the item schedule from item schedule list that you want to edit. Right click and select Edit Item Schedule.

Step-2: Edit the details and click on Save.

Note: 1. You can edit item schedule by right click on item and select Edit Item Schedule. 2. You can edit item schedule by right click on sub category and select Edit Item Schedule.