
Course Users

Add Course User

Admin user can add course user goto navigation Course->List of Course->Edit Course User.

We can add user under a course as Instructor & Learner.

Add Instructor

For adding user as learner click on Add Instructor Button.

After click on Add Instructor button this window is open and now need to select a user which you want to add as learner under course and click on save button.

Add Learner

For adding user as learner click on Add Learner Button.

After click on Add Learner button this window is open and now need to select a user which you want to add as learner under course and click on save button.

After click on save button added learner user showing in listing now click on save button.

Edit Course User

For Edit Course user need to go navigation Edit Course User right click of course listing.

View List of Users

To view all Users as an Admin, navigate Admin > Course > List of Users