

We can manage navigation in this section.

ActionBox: Starting tag < ActionBox> and ending tag < /ActionBox>

ActionList: we can define all action lists starting tag < ActionList> and ending between starting tag < ActionList> and ending tag < /ActionList>

Action: we can define all type actions between tag < /Action> and < /Action>

Category: We can set category of actions between < Category> & < /Category> like addfrm, editfrm, nav etc.

Caption: we can give caption for added action as per requirement for this use tag like this:< Caption>Add Call< /Caption>

Tag: All objects keys should be define between < Tag> and < /Tag>

FRM KEY: we can set key for define action like this with required prams like this:

PARAMS: We can use different parameters as per applicable like IDField, IdValue etc

Idfield: we can pass column name in this parameter with “.

IDvalue: we can pass value for passed idfield like "\(idx\)".