User can set print layout as per view output known as is define in XML and follow below syntax.
< CONDITION> -> Starting Tag
FILTER KEY -> we can apply filter for output of MMR reports.
VALUE VALUE1 -> Assigned values for applied filter key.
</FILTER KEY> -> Ending tag of filter key.
< OVERRIDE> -> Starting Tag </ OVERRIDE>-> Ending tag
< MMRXML> -> Starting Tag < /MMRXML> -> Ending tag
< STRVIEW> < /STRVIEW> -> we can set display name for view between these tags.
< MMR> ->Starting Tag and < MMR> ->Ending Tag
HEADER PREFIX -> Set Header of MMR output.
EVAL -> Set Evaluate value like date
FORMAT -> Set for mat of evaluate value.
GROUP FIELD -> Set Field name on which output should be group by.
SUMM FIELD -> we can set column for sum values.
TYPE ->Set type of group by
</ CONDITION > ->Ending Tag.
Output ->
User can format of columns of visible column like Caption, Date format etc.
COL KEY -> we can set database column name in this tag.
CAPTION -> we can set caption of assigned column in Col Key for display.
FORMAT -> we can format of date type columns or other type columns as per requirement.
User can define summary totals for views in this block
< SUMARY COL KEY > Using this tag we can set db column name which total is required.
KEY: Set total key word Totbal.
FORMAT: we can set format for required total values.We can also use different format specifier as per below.
TYPE: In this tag we can set SUM.
Output ->
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