
DataSource Tab

User can set data source SQL for view output in this section.

AppFilters ->User can set list of filters which are applicable on this view.

E.g- Comp,Campus ..etc

Type ->User can set Data source query type Default value is Fields but user can it to Template as per requirement.

View Width Percent ->User can set view’s output percentage. E.g-140.00

Ignore Paging ->Default value for this is False but user can set True if paging require on view output.

Fields Tab

Select-> User can set fields of Data source Query without select and Form keywords.

From-> User can set Data Source Tables or Functions.

Client-> User can use Client if DataSoursce is PDCClientView

Group By-> User can set Group by Fields of select query.

Having-> If SQL query included Having Condition then user can set having condition in this section.

Order BY-> User can set Order columns in this section.

Fixed Where-> User can set fixed where conditions in this section.

ObjPermission-> User can set Object which must be present in that Product.

Filter tab

User can set fixed filter with default value in this block.

Note: FiltParam should be in XML Code and use correct Syntax. If syntax not correct then errors showing in Errors block and applied Filters should be present in AppliFilters List.

Where tab

How to Create where param:

User can create user define where conditions as per requirement between starting tag & ending tag and apply particular on menu’s in menu definition.

How to use where param:

E.g. Use WhereParam conditions in MenuDefination