
Form Definition with Zero Code

Definition Tab

In this section, we have define definition of forms in XML format.

Step-1 -> We can define definition of forms in XML format and used below tags.

Step-2 ->We can define combos using below xml codes.

2.1. Combos -> We can use tags for combos < combos > as starting tag < /combos > as ending tag.

2.2 Table -> We can use tags for table < table > as starting tag < /table > as ending tag and set lookup sql for combos between < table > and < /table >.

2.3 Key -> We set key name for lookup sql between tags < key > and < /key >.

2.4 Sql -> We can put sql query between tags < sql > and < /sql >

Step-3 -> We can map combo’s key with mainSql’s columns and childrensql’s columns like this. (dt used for mainsql)

3.1 Lookups -> we can use tags for define lookups. < lookups > as starting tag < /lookups > as ending tag.

3.2 field -> we can put define combo’s key between < key > and < /key >

3.3 fieldname -> we can set column’s name of mainsql or childrensql for mapping with defined combos.

3.4 tablename -> we can put default table key dt for mainsql and defined table key for childrensql. E.g-> dt for mainsql & Order for childrensql (see step.5&6)

Step-4 -> We can define vlists also using below tags.

4.1 -> We can map vlist’s key with mainSql’s columns and childrensql’s columns like this.

Step-5 -> We can define mainsql like this.

5.1 mainsql -> We can use tags for define mainsql < mainsql > as starting tag < /mainsql > as ending tag and put required sql query for my row between & .

5.2 IDField ->we can put idfied between tags < IDField > and < /IDField >.

5.3 ReqFields ->using this tag we can mention mandatory columns.

5.4 DescripTemplate -> using this tag we can columns for description.

5.5 formatxml -> using this tag we formatting of visible columns and set caption for columns as per requirement.

Step-6 -> We can define childrensql like this.

6.1 Children -> we can use tags for define children < children > as starting tag , as ending tag.

6.2 Child->under this tag we can define Children items properties < child> is starting tag is ending tag.

6.3 Key ->Using this tag we set key for children’s sql and < key> is starting tag < /key> is ending tag.

6.4 Sql -> we can use this tags for set sql query and used < sql > as starting tag < /sql > as ending tag and put required sql query between < sql > & < sql >.

6.5 ReqFields ->We can used this tag for mention mandatory columns same as main sql.

6.6 reversedirection ->using this tag we can set visibility of columns from left to right OR right to left.

6.7 formatxml -> using this tag we formatting of visible columns and set caption for columns as per requirement same as main sql.

6.8 prepeditxml ->using this tag we can set idfield for children’s sql query.