Primary SQL-> we can define primary sql like this.
e.g: In this sql MainpartyID is KEY value.
Secondary SQL-> we can define secondary sql, in this sql value of primary key should be same and other columns should be different in secondary.
Note: {1} to be used for additional where conditions and {0} to be used for default.
MAINGRID -> we can define main grid using < MAINGRID >starting & < MAINGRID > ending tags.
JOIN -> User can merge two sql using INDEX1 and INDEX2 with defining JOINTYPE INNER/LEFT etc.
KEY -> User can set key field of Primary SQL to transform of view’s data.
JOINTYPE -> User can set type of joins using this key field like inner, left join etc.
SCROSS -> User can applied transform operation like SCROSS
IDFIELD -> IDField and Value of KEY tag should be same.
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