
Schema Definition

Publisher Schema

1 - Create new publisher schema clicking on Appsystem -> Publisher Schema -> Actions -> New Publisher Schema.

Appearing form like this

2 - Enter require details and save it.

MainTableCode -> should be set value of Table Code as per define in Design Table Step.

EnableListControl -->We can control visibility of records using this column if this column marked as true then only Admin user can see all records and other users can see related records.

3 - Listing Publisher Schema.

Appsystem -> Publisher Schema


1 - To add forms, clicking on Appsystem-> Publisher Schema -> Right Click -> Edit Publisher Schema.

2 - Now click on + button under Forms section for this publisher.

Form is appearing like this.

Filled require details save it.

3 - Form’s definition -> Go to Edit Forms/Reports/Funcs & click on Definition tab and define XML.

NOEDITFORMULA: Used to make column as read only.

HIDDENFORMULA: Used to make column hide.

Validation: we can apply validation message using rules tag.

4 - Listing of forms: All forms to be visible under Forms section.

How to set Add and Edit Form’s Key for Publisher Schema

AddFormKey--> should be set form key which to be open as Add mode

EditFormKey--> should be set form key which to be open as Edit mode


  1. All form keys should be started with frm in clientfrmprn like frm-fund-raise.
  2. Ftype and Allowdefault should be true for all livmatter's related entries, like in Clientfrmprn, sysworkflow etc.
  3. EnableListControl should be true in PublisherSchema for livmatter related entries.
  4. MainTableCode should be updated in publisherschema as Destables.TableCode
  5. AddFormKey should be set form key which to be open as add mode.
  6. EditFormKey should be set form key which to be open as Edit mode.
  7. For Lookup DataType need to set LookLinkCode & LookupTextCol LookLinkCode--Need to set SchemaCode of Lookup table LookupTextCol--Need to set TableCode of Table to Display.
  8. For List DataType need to set only LookLinkCode & no need to set LookupTextCol LookLinkCode--Need to set TableCode of Lookup table