Click on Appsystem-> Work Flows -> Actions -> New Work Flow
Applications ->User can select application in this block.
Product ->User can set product in this block.
Key ->User can set workflow key in this block.
Name ->User can set workflow name for display in this block.
StatusType ->User can set status type in this block.
Allow Default ->User can marked for default.
Publisher Defined ->User can marked if to be defined workflow by appsystem.
ColKey —>User can set Column Name for work flow status. Eg. StatusNum
Proc Name -> User can set proc Name for work flow status.
SysEntXML —>User can set sysid field in this block.
Grid Condition ->User can set Grid condition on view in this block.
View Condition ->User can set view like grid condition in this block.
Click on Appsystem -> WorkFlows
Click on Appsystem->WorkFlows->Right Click->Edit WorkFlow Definition
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