
Engineering Functions


Returns the decimal value of a string representation of a number in a binary system.


Number is a string representing a binary number.


Converts a string representing a binary number to a string representing the same number in the hexadecimal number system.

Bin2Hex (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the mimumum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Converts a string representing a binary number to a string representing the same number in the octal number system.

Bin2Oct (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the mimumum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns a complex number represented as a string in the format "x + yi" or "x + yj" by comining a real and imaginary number.

COMPLEX (realNumber, imaginaryNumber, [suffix])

RealNumber is the real coefficient of the complex number.

ImaginaryNumber is the imaginary coefficient of the number.

Suffix specifies the suffix to use. The acceptable values are "i" or "j". If omitted, "i" is used. Note that the suffix is case-sensitive; upper case "I" and "J" are not allowed and will result in a #VALUE error.


Converts a value from one system of measurement to another. For example, meters to inches or hours to seconds.

CONVERT (number, fromUnit, toUnit)

Number is the value to convert.

FromUnit is the unit in which the number is given.

ToUnit is the units to convert to.

Weight and mass units: "g" = gram "sg" = slug "lbm" = pound mass (avoirdupois) "u" = U (atomic mass unit) "ozm" = Ounce mass (avoirdupois)

Distance units: "m" = Meter "mi" = Statute mile "Nmi" = Nautical mile "in" = Inch "ft" = Foot "yd" = Yard "ang" = Angstrom "Pica" = Pica (1/72 in.)

Time units: "yr" = Year "day" = Day "hr" = Hour "mn" = Minute "sec" = Second

Pressure units "Pa" (or "p") = Pascal "atm" (or "at") = Atmosphere "mmHg" = mm of Mercury

Force units "N" = Newton "dyn" (or "dy") = Dyne "lbf" = Pound force

Energy units: "J" = Joule "e" = Erg "c" = Thermodynamic calorie "cal" = IT calorie "eV" (or "ev") = Electron volt "HPh" (or "hh") = Horsepower-hour "Wh" (or "wh") = Watt-hour "flb" = Foot-pound "BTU" (or "btu") = BTU

Power units: "HP" (or "h") = Horsepower "W" (or "w") = Watt

Magentism units: "T" = Tesla "ga" = Gauss Temperature units: "C" (or "cel") = Degree Celsius "F" (or "fah") = Degree Fahrenheit "K" (or "kel") = Kelvin

Liquid measure units: "tsp" = Teaspoon "tbs" = Tablespoon "oz" = Fluid ounce "cup" = Cup "pt" (or "us_pt") = U.S. pint "uk_pt" = U.K. pint "qt" = Quart "gal" = Gallon "l" (or "lt") = Liter

Any metric ToUnit or FromUnit may be prefixed with one of the following: exa ("E") = 1E+18 peta ("P") = 1E+15 tera ("T") = 1E+12 giga ("G") = 1E+09 mega ("M") = 1E+06 kilo ("k") = 1E+03 hecto ("h") = 1E+02 dekao ("e") = 1E+01 deci ("d") = 1E-01 centi ("c") = 1E-02 milli ("m") = 1E-03 micro ("u") = 1E-06 nano ("n") = 1E-09 pico ("p") = 1E-12 femto ("f") = 1E-15 atto ("a") = 1E-18


Returns a string representing the specified decimal value as a binary number.

Dec2Bin (number, places)

Number is the decimal value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns a string representing the specified decimal value as a hexadecimal number.

Dec2Hex (number, places)

Number is the decimal value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places is not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns a string representing the specified decimal value as an octal number.

Dec2Oct (number, places)

Number is the decimal value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Compares two numbers and returns 1 if they are equal or 0 if they are not.

DELTA (number1, [number2])

Number1 is a number.

Number2 is a number. If Number2 is not specified, Number1 will be compared to 0.


Compares two numbers and returns 1 the first number is greater than or equal to the second or returns 0 if not.

GESTEP (number, [step])

Number is a number.

Step is a number. If step is not specified, Number will be compared to 0.


Converts a string representing a hexadecimal number to a string representing the same number in the binary number system.

Hex2Bin (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns the decimal value of a string representation of a number in a hexadecimal system.


Number is a string representing a hexadecimal number.


Converts a string representing a hexadecimal number to a string representing the same number in the octal number system.

Hex2Oct (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns the absolute value of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the argument theta, and angle expressed in radians.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the conjugate of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the cosine of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the quotient of two complex numbers.

IMDIV (dividend, divisor)

Dividend is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".

Divisor is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the exponential of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the complex number raised to the specified power.

IMPOWER (complexNumber, power)

ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".

Power is the power to which ComplexNumber will be raised.


Returns the product of 1 to n complex numbers.

IMPRODUCT (complexNumber1 [, complexNumber2, complexNumber3, ..., complexNumberN])

ComplexNumber1, ComplexNumber2, ..., ComplexNumberN is any number of complex numbers in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj" which will be multiplied together.


Returns the real coefficient of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the sine of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the square root of a complex number.


ComplexNumber is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj".


Returns the difference between two complex numbers.

IMSUB (complexNumber1, complexNumber2)

ComplexNumber1 is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj" from which ComplexNumber2 will be subtracted.

ComplexNumber2 is a complex number in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj" which will be subtracted from ComplexNumber1.


Returns the sum of 1 to n complex numbers.

IMSUM (complexNumber1 [, complexNumber2, complexNumber3, ..., complexNumberN])

ComplexNumber1, ComplexNumber2, ..., ComplexNumberN is any number of complex numbers in the format: "x + yi" or "x + yj" which will be added together.


Converts a string representing an octal number to a string representing the same number in the binary number system.

Oct2Bin (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.


Returns the decimal value of a string representation of a number in an octal system.


Number is a string representing an octal number.


Converts a string representing an octal number to a string representing the same number in the hexadecimal number system.

Oct2Hex (number, places)

Number is the value to be converted.

Places is the number of characters to use in representing the value. If places are not specified, the minimum number of characters necessary to represent the value will be used. Places allows you to specify leading zeros.