
List Functions


Returns number of elements in a list.


List is a parameter of type list.


Returns the nth element from the list.


List is a parameter of type list.

Index is the index of the element to return. The returned element can be of any data type.


Returns the value of a specified key in the list, considering the list is made of key-value pairs.


List is a parameter of type list.

Key is the key for which value is required. The returned value can be of any data type.


A List is a collection of elements of any data type. List elements can be of any valid UnitCAD data type, including other lists. Each member of a list can be of a different data type. Empty lists are allowed.

The following example shows a list that contains five elements of type Number:

List (17, 5, 64, 2, 88)

A list is persisted as a JSON string and contains value and datatype information is required. In formulas, typically the list function is used to instantiate the list.

The following example shows a list whose elements are of various data types. This list contains both literals and other list objects.

List (12, 32.4, "TEST", List ("Item No.", 10272004), List ("Description", "Sprocket"),0)


Returns True/False depending on whether the list contains the specified value.


List is a parameter of type list.

Value is the value of find and can be of any literal type.