
Subscription Life Cycle

Subscription Status

The subscription details page displays the details of the subscription along with its status. The following are various statuses of a subscription:

Created ( C) : Subscriptions that are yet to go into trial or active state on the specified date in the future.
Trial ( T ): Active subscriptions that are in trial mode.
Active (A): Active subscriptions that are charged based on plan, addons, and billing period.
Non Recurring ( N) : Subscriptions that are scheduled to cancel and will no longer renew.
Expired ( X) : Active subscriptions that are expired temporarily.

Transaction Type

T --> Try, B --> Buy, M --> Modify, C --> Cancel, X --> Extend, R --> Renew


  1. At Initial level, user opted Try or Buy purchase type. For Try(T) -> Status will be Trial (T) or Created (C). For Buy(B)-> Status will be Active (A) or Created (C ), Isautorenewal=true and provisiondate assigned.

  1. At Trial(T) (Status) Stage, user can opt only two options:

Buy (B) -> then status will be active (A)
Modify (M) -> then status will remain same as trial (T).

  1. At Active (A) (Status) Stage, user can opt following options:

Modify (M)-> then status will remain same as active (A).
Cancel (C) -> then status will be N or C (isautorenewal=false)
Extend -> then status will remain as A.

  1. At Non – recurring (N) stage, user can modify (M) only and status will be remained same as N.

  1. At expired (X) stage, user can renew only and status will be active (A).

  1. At created ( C ) stage , user can provisioned and status will be Trial (T) / Active (A).