Step-1: Click on My Punch button. Two options will appear -> New Punch and My Punch History.
Note : Before opening app, your mobile GPS should open for new punch.
Step-2: To punch the attendance , click on New Punch . Allow access device location. Date, Time, GPS Co-ordinates and Location will display. Click on Punch button.
Punch successfully message will show. This information will be saved in windows app. You can see all information on punched attendance form.
Step-3: You can see the history of punches by clicking on My Punch History option.
At the time of punch attendance, information about your mobile device like device id will registered to particular employee.
No other employee can punch through this device.
You can see the device details by select employee from Employee list -> Right click -> Browse Employee -> Click on Device node.
Employee’s punch timings will be display in on current attendance view, attendance view, punches view and punched attendance view etc.
On punched attendance form for particular employee, you can see locations, geo points, campus, distance from campus and other details related to punch location.
You can edit the punches by Attendance (Employee wise), Attendance (Day wise) and Punched Attendance form.