New/Import Option Syntax->
<TOOL STYLE="MNU" NAME="MenuName" KEY="IDFormenu" >
<TOOL BG="1" STYLE="BUT" NAME="SubMenuName" KEY="IDForSubMenuName " CAT="Category">
<FRM KEY="Form’s Name">
<PARAMS CompanyID="%IDField%" DocType="TP" ACTION="Import"/>
<TOOL BG="1" STYLE="BUT" NAME="SubMenuName" KEY="IDForSubMenuName" CAT=" Category ">
<FRM KEY="FormName"/>
Listing Option Syntax->
<TOOL BG="1" STYLE="BUT" NAME="SubMenuName" KEY="IDForSubMenuName" >
<VIEW KEY="View’s Name">
STYLE -Need to set MNU for Menu and BUT for SubMenu.
NAME ->User can set MenuName and SubMenuName in this block.
E.g-> Master, Company, New Company
KEY->User can set Keys for IDFormenu and IDForSubMenuName in this block. It is should be Unique.
E.g-> ID_Master, ID_MnuComp, ID_MnuNewComp, ID_GstImportVouchTaxpComp
BG->Used for separator between two menu.
E.g-> BG="1"
CAT-> User can set Category in this block.
TAG ->All Forms and views key should be define between
<TAG> and </TAG>
FRM KEY->User Can set Form Key Name which is define in table Clientfrmprn.
E.g-> frmGstImportVouch, frmGstCompany
PARAMS->User can pass default values for called forms.
E.g-> CompanyID= IDField like CompanyID define in Systables
ACTION->Require in case of Import Data.
VIEW KEY->User can set View name which is define in table Clientviews.
E.g-> ListgstComp