:Root tag is body syntax.
How to define BrowserID:
< ID>BROWSEID< /ID>: This tag used to define browser id.
How to set display grid:
< DISPGRID> < /DISPGRID>: This tag used to set display grid.
< VIEW KEY="viewCustomer" />
How to define a tree:
< TREE>< /TREE>Tree tag is body syntax.
How set Sql for data source:
< _DT>: Using this we can set sql for data source.
< _DT KEY="o" SQL="select CustomerID,isnull(Title,'')+' '+isnull(FirstName,'')+' '+isnull(MiddleName,'')+' '+isnull(LastName,'') as Customer from Sales.Customer INNER JOIN Person.Person ON Customer.PersonID = Person.BusinessEntityID where CustomerID = \(BROWSEID\) order by Title,FirstName" />
How to define local variable to store values:
< _SET>: This tag used to define variable for store data locally.
< _SET VAR="CUST" VALUE="#MEMBER(\(o\),CustomerID)#"/>
How to add a Node:
< NODE>: Using this tag we can define Node as per requirement.
< NODE PARENT="ID1" KEY="Custso" CAPTION="Sale Orders">
NODE PARENT: Using this we can set parent id for to be added node.
KEY: Using this we can set key for to be added node.
CAPTION: Using this tag we can set caption for added node.
How to set view for added node:
< VIEW KEY >: using this tag we can set view for added node.
< VIEW KEY="ListAdvdemCustomer">
< FILTER KEY="customer">
< VALUE VALUE1="\(CUST\)" />
< /VIEW>
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