Click on Appsystem -> Navigations -> Actions -> New Navigation
Application ->User can select application in this block.
Product ->User can set product for created Navigation in this block.
Nav Code ->User can set Code for created is unique for publisher and product.
Sortindex ->User can sortindex for created navigation it is require sequencing for right click option.
Nav Caption ->User can set display name for created navigation in this block.
Platforms -> User can set platform for created form like window, web etc.
Menu ->Menu block include two parts.
Menu Tag ->User can menu definition for navigation in this block.
Menu Category ->User can set menu category in this block like Nav for navigation.
Currently using three type of navigation.
(i).nav—For Navigation
(ii).adfrm->For Add Option.
(iii).editfrm->For Edit Option
View Condition ->User can set view in this block.Created navigation Showing on only this.
SysEntXML->User can set Idfield in this block, Created Navigation visible only if this idfield available on view.
E.g. <SYS ID="CompanyID"/>
Grid Condition->User can set condition in this block. Created navigation available only if this condition full fill.
E.g. <COL KEY="DocType"><VALUE VALUE1="IS"/></COL>
Click on Appsystem-> Navigation
Click on Appsystem->Navigation->Right Click->Edit Navigation
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